What is crooked will not be able to be straightened, and what is missing will not be able to be counted.

Kohelet 1:15

Origin of surnames Kupervasser

About an origin of surnames Kupervasser

(Kuperwasser, Kupervaser,Kuperwaser, Kiperwasser,Kiperwasser,Coopervaser and so on).   Surname Kupervasser (Kuperwasser, Kupervaser,Kuperwaser, Kiperwasser,Kiperwasser,Coopervaser and so on) has an ancient origin. It is translated as « copper water » and is connected with the rituals which are carried out in the Jerusalem Temple. Carriers of this surname, apparently, belong to Levites (1)

Replacement "u" on "i" at some family lines has taken place, apparently, because Latin letter of a surname "U" is similar on Russian "и"(i). Further more detailed story about it:

1)   The second Jerusalem Temple. Ben-Sira writes that high priest Just Shimon (Shimon ha-Tzaddik) has arranged in a court yard of the Jerusalem Temple the big copper pool with water.

Between an altar and a facade of the Jerusalem Temple there was a copper vessel with 12 cranes for lavabo and washing legs of priests.

 2) Copper water.  

Further our chapter comes back to structure of Mishkan. “Make a copper washstand on the copper basis for lavabo and washing legs, - Moses speaks, - and place it between the Tented Roof of Revelation and an altar, and fill it by water. Aaron and his sons will wash from it hands and legs before entering the Tented Roof of Revelation or, coming nearer to an altar for service, they will be washed by water and will not die... ” (Chapter 30, items 17-20).

Here we again meet with the surprising phenomenon: the Highest is extremely exact at the description such, seemingly, not a significant element in construction of Mishkan, as a washstand. Not forgetting such clear, seemingly by itself, details - “fill it by water”, the Highest also talk over a place where it should be put and a material of which this washstand should be made.

But why just copper was required for a washstand? Because copper possesses special property - promotes purification from arrogance and impudence.

As usual the morphology of words will open additional sense of the True for us. Copper in Hebrew means "nehoshet". This word is formed from the same root, as a word "nahash" (snake). As we know from a history, the snake beguile into doing Hawwa to break an interdiction of the Highest and to try a fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of goods and evil. He has inspired her, that after eating it people will find the same force which the Creator of the World possesses.

Image of the snake, coiling and slippery, causes rather certain associations. He is an embodiment of cunning, insincerity...

The Creator of the World (for our blessing) demands from people frankness in relations with Him. This quality (necessary for the Jew) is reflected in a new name of forefather Jacob – Israel, which he has received from God. (Israel is "jashar E-l' " in Hebrew. Translation of these words to English is "a straight line with The Creator") And tsar Mashiah will be the descendant of Israel (through David).

It is interesting, that numerical senses of words "Mashiah" and "nahash" - are equal. Commentators explain: in the future, at the final stage of a history, Mashiah will necessarily eradicate in the world influence of "snake" (as symbol of instigations, cunning, insincerity).

In Mishkan, and in future - in the Jerusalem Temple, a source of purification always was water from a copper washstand. By the way, copper for a temple washstand is received from the Jewish women. They have given for remelting copper mirrors brought by them from Egypt.

The Jewish women have high mental purity and fidelity to the Creator. And the Pharaoh could not force them to make something that was objectionable for God. Their merits have rescued Jewish people during output from Egypt. Therefore their gift, copper of their mirrors also promoted to purification.

3)  Kosher ink for a Torah.

In the natural pharmacy: Copper sulfate, the “kuper vasser” mentioned in the "Mishnah Berurah" ("Mishnah Berurah" is Comment for "Shulchan Aruch": collection of  Jewish laws - "Halakha") . “Kuper vasser”  must be used to make kosher ink for a Torah.

(1)Levites are   members of the priestly Hebrew tribe of Levi of non-Aaronic descent assigned to lesser ceremonial offices under the Levitical priests of the family of Aaron.

Article author: Oleg Kupervasser
Article tags: Origin of the family
The article is about these last names: Купервассер, Kupervasser, קופרווסר

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