To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge.

Benjamin Disraeli

3 ways to prevent ingrown toenails

 The painful experience of ingrown toenails is very common among adults. The irritation and frustration of having painful toenails often intimidate people to perform bathroom surgeries. It is highly recommended to schedule an appointment with a Podiatrist Orange County when the urge to dig into the toenail becomes hard to resist.

A podiatrist is a foot doctor that specializes in a variety of foot conditions including painful experiences caused by ingrown toenails. A visit to a foot and nail clinic is highly beneficial to opt for the most suitable and timely treatment of ingrown. Timely medical intervention reduces the risk of infection and surgical procedures. However, ingrown toenail is a recurring condition and therefore a majority of adults ignore the importance of consulting a podiatrist. This post provides an in-depth discussion about the causes of recurring ingrown toenails and the top three ways to prevent the painful experience.

What are ingrown toenails?

When the side edge of a toenail grows into the skin, the condition is known as an ingrown toenail. The toenails break into the skin and make wearing shoes and walking extremely painful.

Moreover, when the toenail curls into the skin, it provides chances for bacteria to enter the skin which results in a puss filled wound. The signs to spot an ingrown toenail are redness around the side edges. The toenail can also be swollen, feel hot to touch, and extremely painful. In most cases, ingrown toenails are usually observed in the big toe.

What are the reasons behind ingrown toenails?

Painful ingrown toenails are very common; therefore a large number of patients consult with a podiatrist in Tustin California for an efficient treatment. According to the experts, below are the most common causes of ingrown toenails.

Incorrect nail trimming: Toenails should not be trimmed too short, otherwise the edges tend to fold and dig into the skin.
Ill-fitted footwear: When shoes are short or too tight, the likelihood of developing ingrown toenails increases.
Trauma: When the toe is stabbed or a heavy object is dropped on the toenail, the injury can lead to an ingrown toenail. Similarly, the trauma of excessive physical activities like running, ballet or soccer can also contribute to the conditions of developing an ingrown toenail.
Heredity: Many patients inherit the condition of recurring ingrown toenails from their parents.
Poor circulation: People with certain medical conditions like heart disease or diabetes often have poor blood circulation. Their condition makes them vulnerable to repeated ingrown toenails.

How are ingrown toenails treated?

In many cases, ingrown toenails heal on their own. Additionally, if there are no signs of infection, at-home treatments are also possible. However, it is best to consult a podiatrist in Tustin, CA to reduce the risk of infection. Additionally, expert medical care also helps in reducing the likelihood of recurring ingrown toenails.

Ingrown toenails with no signs of infection can be soaked in warm water and Epsom salt after which the affected part can be clipped. In case of swelling and foul odor, it is best to visit a podiatrist.

Depending on the severity of the condition, the podiatrists suggest the best suited treatment plan. For mildly infected toenails, partial nail avulsion is performed, in which only the affected part is clipped. On the other hand, the entire toenail can also be removed with a surgical procedure to prevent the risk of the infection causing permanent damage to the nail bed. Removal of the problematic nail portion with ingrown toenail surgery also helps in preventing recurring ingrown toenails.

How to prevent ingrown toenails?

It is best to prevent the conditions that contribute to the development of ingrown toenails. Experts suggest the below mentioned three ways to avoid the painful experience.

Trimming the nails to a proper length:Toenails should be cut straight across. Unevenly cut toenails can lead to the problem, hence investing in a sharp and clean nail clipper is recommended.
Properly fitting footwear: Experts suggest that one must be able to wiggle the toes easily while wearing shoes. This simple test offers useful insight into the fit of the socks and the shoes.
Foot hygiene: Feet should be kept clean and dry to avoid any risk of infection and ingrown toenails. Moisture trapped in the toenails can encourage fungal growth. In addition to this, athletes or dancers must allow their feet to get fresh air for at least one to two hours a day after practice. Walking barefoot is suggested to let the toenails adjust to the trauma that occurred during physical training.

When to see the podiatrist for ingrown toenails?

Proper foot hygiene significantly reduces the need to go to a doctor. Moreover, timely treatment of ingrown toenails also decreases the chances of severe infection and surgical treatments.

Although, self-medication is not at all recommended and those who are not sure about their condition must consult a podiatrist. Soaking and clipping the toenail is only suggested at the initial phase, any signs of infection must not be ignored and an immediate appointment with a podiatrist should be made.

In some cases, ingrown toenails can heal on their own. However, if no signs of improvement are seen after two to three days, medical treatment becomes necessary. Delaying the treatment can make the condition worse and lead to surgical interventions. Hence, appointments with a podiatrist should be made in a timely manner.


Ingrown toenails can be treated with adequate foot hygiene and properly fitted footwear. However, recurring episodes of ingrown toenails can be prevented with proper medical treatment. Schedule an appointment at the Orange County Foot and Ankle Group, which is the most trusted choice by millions of patients for the best podiatrist in Irvine, Tustin and Orange County.

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