The meaning of life is that it stops.

Franz Kafka

Abraham Montefiore

 Stock-broker; born in London 1788; died at Lyons 1824; son of Joseph Elias Montefiore and brother of Sir Moses Montefiore, with whose commercial career he was afterward identified. He first adopted a trade and was apprenticed to Mr. Flower, silk-merchant of Watling street. In the silk trade he realized a small fortune, but being ambitious to push forward more rapidly, he joined his brother Moses in business; the firm of Montefiore Brothers thus formed carried on business in Shorters' court, Throgmorton street.

Montefiore was exceptionally fortunate on the Stock Exchange and left behind him a very large fortune. In 1824 he died at Lyons, on his way home from Cannes, whither he had gone for the reestablishment of his health. He was twice married: by his first wife, a daughter of George Hall of the London Stock Exchange, he had one daughter, Mary, who married Benjamin Mocatta; and by his second wife, Henrietta Rothschild, he had two sons and two daughters.

Bibliography: L. Wolf, Life of Sir Moses Montefiore, pp. 13, 15, 18, 25, London, 1885.

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Article author: Joseph Jacobs Goodman Lipkind Victor Rousseau Emanuel Thomas Seltzer Isidore Harris Israel Davis Read more:
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