Remember that the days of your life are not many, for God answers in the joy of your heart.

Kohelet 5:19

Avro Manhattan - Biography

Avro Manhattan (1914–1990) was a writer and philosopher, primarily known for his criticisms of the Roman Catholic Church (see anti-Catholicism). Having covered various political topics throughout his career, Manhattan is perhaps best remembered as the author of several works analyzing the Vatican's role in world politics and global affairs.


Born in Milan, Italy on April 6, 1914 to American and Swiss/Dutch parents of Jewish extraction, Manhattan was educated at the Sorbonne and the London School of Economics.

During World War II, Manhattan was jailed in Italy for refusing to serve in Benito Mussolini's fascist army. Later during the war, he operated a radio station called "Radio Freedom" broadcasting to nations occupied by the Axis Powers. For this service he was made a Knight of Malta.

His friends included H G Wells, Pablo Picasso, George Bernard Shaw and scientist Marie Stopes.

Manhattan spent much of his later life after 1979 at the ornately decorated home of his wife's late mother in South Shields, North East England.


Manhattan authored more than 20 books, including The Vatican in World Politics. It has been translated into most major languages, including Chinese, Russian and most recently, Korean. Some of his other popular works include The Vatican Billions, The Vatican's Holocaust, and Vatican Moscow Alliance. Some of his books which are especially critical of the Vatican and of Roman Catholicism.

The following is a list of Avro Manhattan's most notable works, ordered chronologically:

  • The Rumbling of the Apocalypse (1934)
  • Towards the new Italy (Preface by H.G. Wells) (1943)
  • Latin America and the Vatican (1946)
  • The Catholic Church Against the Twentieth Century (1947; 2nd edition 1950)
  • The Vatican in Asia (1948)
  • Religion in Russia (1949)
  • Vatican in World Politics (1949)
  • Catholic Imperialism and World Freedom (1952; 2nd edition 1959)
  • Terror Over Yugoslavia, the Threat to Europe (1953)
  • The Dollar and the Vatican (1956)
  • Vatican Imperialism in the Twentieth Century (1965)
  • Vatican Moscow Alliance (1982)
  • The Vatican Billions (1983)
  • Catholic Terror in Ireland (1988)
  • Vietnam ... why did we go? (1984)
  • Murder in the Vatican, American Russian and Papal Plots (1985)
  • The Vatican’s Holocaust (1986)

External links

The article is about these people: Avro Manhattan

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