The wise are pleased when they discover truths; fools are pleased when they discover falsehoods.

Ibn Gabirol

Foner Sarah. A Woman's Voice. 2001. P. 54

"The house of Reb Zacharia Zalkind was very large and beautiful. He was greatly learned in Torah, he feared the heavens, and was a great scholar. The Chassidim tell about his father, Reb Leibel the Lazy, that when the Chassidim from Dvinsk came to the Rabbi Reb Mendel (zl) in Lebovitch and asked his advice, on their telling him they were from Dvinsk, he said to them "Isn't Liebelah the Lazy in your city? So why come to me?" One time, Zalkind sat talking with my father (zl) and he said in these words, "Reb Yosel," (so was called my father (zl))," Do you remember the time the two of us sat in Volozhin repairing cloth boots when we were learning from the Gaon Reb Itzlick (zl)." This I must elucidate, that Reb Zacharia wasn't involved with the rift concerning the Rabbis, for better or worse, and he had studied with Reb Itzlick (zl) and paid great respect to all of our Gaonim. He was a very rich man, with businesses expanding throughout the land, and it was said about him that he had spoken a couple of times with Tsar Nicholas the First."

The article is about these people: Zacharia Shlomo Zalkind

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