Test yourself on mankind. It is something that makes the doubter doubt, the believer believe.

Franz Kafka

Natan Eidelman - biography

Natan Eidelman (Eidel'man, Natan Iakovlevich), (Russian: Натан Эйдельман) (1930, Moscow – 1989, Moscow) was a Russian author and historian. He wrote several books on about the life and work of Alexander Pushkin, Decembrists Sergey Muravyov-Apostol and Mikhail Lunin, and historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin.


  • Conspiracy Against the Tsar. A Portrait of the Decembrists. Progress Moscow (1985); 294 pages.
  • Apostol Sergei : povest' o Sergee Murav'eve-Apostole. Eidel'man, Natan Iakovlevich. Vagrius Moscow (2005); 349 pages.
  • Lunin Eidel'man, Natan Iakovlevich. Vagrius Moscow (2004); 413 pages; .

Pervyi dekabrist : povest' o neobyknovennoi zhizni i posmertnoi sud'be Vladimira Raevskogo. Eidel'man, Natan Iakovlevich. Vagrius Moskva (2005); 397 pages.

  • Poslednii letopisets. Eidel'man, Natan Iakovlevich. Vagrius Moskva (2004); 247 pages.

Article author: Zipora Galitski
Article tags: biography
The article is about these people:   Natan Eidelman

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