Sergei Iosifovich Yutkevich (Russian: Серге́й Ио́сифович Ютке́вич, 15 September 1904 – 24 April 1985) was an award-winning Soviet film director and screenwriter.
Life and career
He began work as a teen doing puppet shows. Later he helped found the Factory of the Eccentric Actor (FEKS), which was primarily concerned with circus and music hall acts. He entered films in the 1920s and began directing in 1928. His films often were cheerier than most Russian films as he was influenced by American slapstick, among other things. However he also did serious historical films, docudramas, and biopics. He won Cannes's Best Director Award twice: for Othello in 1956 and for Lenin in Poland in 1966. Of his later films Lenin in Paris is among the best known.
- Lace (Кружева) (1928)
- The Black Sail (Черный парус) (1929)
- Golden Mountains (Златые горы) (1931)
- Counterplan (Встречный) (1932); co-directed with Fridrikh Ermler
- Ankara - Heart of Turkey (Анкара — сердце Турции) (1934)
- The Miners (Шахтеры) (1937)
- How to Vote (Как будет голосовать избиратель) (1937), short
- The Man with the Gun (Человек с ружьем) (1938)
- Yakov Sverdlov (Яков Свердлов) (1940)
- The New Adventures of Schweik (Новые похождения Швейка) (1943)
- Liberated France (Освобожденная Франция) (1944)
- Hello Moscow! (1945)
- Youth of Our Country (Молодость нашей страны) (1946), documentary
- Light over Russia (Свет над Россией) (1947), not released
- Three Encounters (Три встречи) (1948), segment
- Przhevalsky (Пржевальский) (1951)
- The Great Warrior Skanderbeg (1953)
- Othello (1955)
- Stories About Lenin (Рассказы о Ленине) (1957)
- Encounter with France (Встреча с Францией) (1960), documentary
- The Bath House (Баня) (1962), animated
- Lenin in Poland (1966)
- About Human Dignity (О самом человечном) (1967), documentary
- Subject for a Short Story (Сюжет для небольшого рассказа) (1969)
- Mayakovsky Laughs (Маяковский смеется) (1975), animated
- Lenin in Paris (1981)
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