Do not say, "How was it that the former days were better than these?" For not out of wisdom have you asked concerning this.

Kohelet 7:10

Sheldon Richman - Biography

Sheldon Richman is an American political writer and academic, best known for his advocacy of libertarianism.

He is the editor of The Freeman, a magazine published by The Foundation for Economic Education, a Senior Fellow at the Future of Freedom Foundation, a Research Fellow at The Independent Institute, a member of the Advisory Panel for the Center for a Stateless Society, and a member of the Liberty and Power group weblog at the History News Network. His own blog is called Free Association.

A graduate of Temple University, Richman was formerly a journalist, and a senior editor at the Cato Institute and the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University.

Sheldon Richman has written occasional pieces on foreign policy, population issues, federal disaster assistance, international trade, education, the environment, American history, privacy, computers, and the Middle East. These articles have appeared in, among others, the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, American Scholar, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Washington Times, Christian Science Monitor, CounterPunch, Independent Review, Insight, Cato Policy Report, Journal of Economic Development, The World & I, Reason, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Middle East Policy, and Liberty. He is a contributor to the Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics.

Richman is the author of a three-part essay entitled Beware Income Tax Casuistry, which critiques various tax protester arguments about the constitutionality of the U.S. federal income tax. [1][2] [3]



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