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Elie Wiesel

The 5 best ways to treat diabetic foot ulcers and sores

 Statistics provided by the International Diabetes Federation revealed that 15% of the diabetic population develop foot ulcers and at least one-fifth of them require amputation. Therefore, diabetic foot care becomes a crucial aspect for individuals with uncontrollable blood sugar levels. If foot ulcers are not treated in a timely manner, their condition may lead to foot amputation and in the worst cases untimely death.

A foot doctor recommends a tailored treatment plan for diabetic foot care. Depending on the severity of nerve damage, podiatry services are offered to minimize the risk of foot amputation. This post provides a detailed discussion of diabetic foot ulcer treatment. Below are the five important ways through which a podiatrist can help diabetics to manage foot conditions and prevent complications.

What are diabetic foot ulcers and how to identify them?

Poor blood sugar control leads to circulation problems. As a complication, the feet of diabetic people become vulnerable to open sores and wounds. The most common occurrence of foot ulcers is at the bottom of the foot, however, in some cases, sores can be observed on the sides of the foot or on the toes.

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that damages nerves and blood vessels. As a result, diabetics lose their capability to sense pain and heal wounds. Poor circulation, therefore, becomes the underlying reason behind the increased risk of foot ulcers and sores in diabetics.

Foot ulcers in diabetics can be identified by common symptoms like redness, swelling and a foul odor. If not treated on time, the ulcers can get infected and the patient might experience fever and drainage from the infected site.

How diabetic foot ulcers are treated?

Diabetes affects the ability to heal wounds, therefore it is important to identify the symptoms as soon as possible and seek medical treatment. In order to reduce the risk of severe infections and amputations, doctors use the following methods to treat foot ulcers in diabetics.

Removal of dead tissues:Surgical wound debridement is the most important step of ulcer treatment. It helps in preventing further infection and encourages the growth of healthy tissue. Wound debridement is divided into various categories, such as surgical debridement, mechanical debridement and enzymatic debridement. Depending on the severity of the condition, podiatrists determine the best suited method to remove dead tissue and encourage the growth of healthy tissues.
Antibiotic treatment: Antibiotics are prescribed when the ulcer site gets infected. Even when the infection symptoms subside, doctors may ask the patient to continue the course of antibiotics to completely get rid of the infection.
Offloading: Self-healing becomes difficult in diabetics therefore the approach of offloading is suggested. A podiatrist recommends various approaches for taking pressure off the foot. For instance, new balance diabetic shoes, casts or braces can be recommended to reduce the risk of further injury and to promote healing.
Diabetes management: Unmanaged blood sugar levels are the underlying reason for impaired wound healing. Therefore, a part of foot ulcer treatment is to control blood sugar. Doctors may ask to change diet, include exercise or take certain medication to manage blood sugar levels.
Oxygen therapy: Another useful method to promote healing is the growth of new blood vessels. It is a reserved method used only for severe cases of foot ulcers. In this method, a pressurized chamber is used to let the patient breathe in pure oxygen.

All these above treatments can increase the life expectancy of diabetics only if medical treatment is given in time. It is highly recommended that diabetic foot ulcers should be treated immediately by a licensed medical professional using the above listed treatment options.

Ways to prevent diabetic foot ulcers and sores

Diabetic foot ulcers may take weeks and in some cases even months to heal. Although the ulcers are painless, infected or any other serious complications can adversely affect the quality of life. Therefore, prevention is always a better option. In order to prevent diabetic foot ulcers, routine foot care and diabetes management are recommended. Following are the useful approaches that reduce the risk of developing diabetic foot ulcers and sores.

Diabetes management:Diabetics must adhere to the prescribed diet, medication and exercise routine to reduce the likelihood of nerve damage and developing ulcers.
Foot examination: Potential problems can be avoided if ulcers are identified at the initial stage. Therefore, feet should be examined daily for any signs of redness, swelling and cuts or blisters.
Routine diabetic foot care: Diabetics must pay attention to the importance of foot hygiene. The skin of the feet should be clean, dry and well moisturized. Diabetics must wear well-fitted shoes and regularly consult a podiatrist to detect problems of nerve damage and poor circulation.
Lifestyle changes: Smoking can impair the capability of healing wounds. Therefore, diabetics must quit smoking to improve circulation and prevent foot ulcers.


Diabetic foot ulcers can be life-threatening, however timely treatment can help in reducing the risk of amputation. More importantly, diabetic foot care with the help of advanced podiatry services is best to prevent the risk of foot ulcers and sores. Schedule an appointment at Orange County Feet and Ankle Group to seek immediate consultation with board certified podiatrists. These highly experienced doctors are recognized as top foot surgeons in Orange County CA. Their vast knowledge and specialization have saved millions of diabetics from amputation.

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