God is only where you let Him in.

Menachem Mendel of Kotzk

Timur Gaidar - Biography

Timur Gaidar (Тиму́р Арка́дьевич Гайда́р; December 8, 1926 — December 23, 1999) was Soviet/Russian rear admiral, writer and journalist. He was supposed to be the prototype for Timur from Arkady Gaidar's book Timur and His Squad that was the inspiration for the Timurite movement.

Gaidar was born in Arkhangelsk, the son of Arkady Gaidar. He graduated from the Leningrad Naval School in 1948 and faculty of journalism of the Lenin Military Political Academy in 1954, served on a submarine of the Baltic Fleet and the Pacific Ocean Fleet. Worked in newspapers from 1957, The Soviet Fleet, The Red Star, and Pravda.

Gaidar died in Moscow. His widow is Ariadna Bazhova (born 1925, daughter of the Russian writer Pavel Bazhov). Yegor Gaidar, a Russian politician, was their son.

The article is about these people: Timur Gaidar

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