Do not be eager in your heart to be angry, For anger resides in the bosom of fools.

Kohelet 7:9

Ways to Create 508 Compliance

Procrastination about ADA 508 compliance is costing individuals, businesses, and organizations a lot of money. Have you heard about the many lawsuits that are being filed against businesses and how expensive they are?


I've been researching the number of lawsuits brought and won against people, businesses, and organizations for failing to comply with Section 508 compliance standards, and the numbers are mind-boggling!


There was a 30 percent rise in the number of lawsuits brought against individuals, businesses, and organizations in 2021 alone for failing to comply with website 508 compliance as required by law. Many people's bank accounts are being wiped out due to indecision or procrastination, which is not where they want their hard-earned money to go!



Let’s Embrace ADA 508 Compliance

ADA 508 compliance is both a legal and a social issue that we should all gladly embrace. Consider yourself one of the 56 million Americans with a disability who is unable to use the products and/or services supplied by a person, business, or organization due to indecision over Section 508 compliance. Will you not feel horribly isolated and ignored? That is exactly what noncompliance with website 508 compliance results in.


People with Disabilities are a Huge Market for Products and Services

Half of the 56 million Americans with one or more disabilities use the Internet on a daily basis. In fact, some of them may be your present or future customers!


Noncompliance with Section 508 rules is analogous to having a valuable consumer at your business that is ready to buy your products or services but you choose to ignore them. That is not acceptable. It is unethical corporate behavior, as well as legally and socially inappropriate.


Flee Possible ADA 508 Compliance Lawsuits!

If your website is still inaccessible, consider what this says about your stance on social discrimination. If this seems acceptable to you, consider the potential lawsuits and tens of thousands of dollars in fines that you might face for failing to maintain website 508 compliance. This is because website accessibility is now not only a social need, but also a legal one.


There are so many serial litigants scouring thousands of websites everyday to detect any lack of adherence to section 508 compliance requirements so that they can file lawsuits against the owners of the websites. Your website could be the next one that any of these serial litigants line up to study, or they could already be studying your website as you read this article!


Many serial litigants are analyzing websites in order to uncover any infractions to section 508 compliance requirementsin order to file lawsuits against the owners of the websites – it only takes two or three specific issues to justify the complaint.


How Help Came My Way

I was similarly postponing checking my website and making it ADA 508 compliant until the reality of what may happen to me dawned on me. That's when I began feverishly searching the Internet for reliable assistance in making my website Section 508 compliant.


Because I am a fan of John Cone of Cone & Kassel and Sam Clowney, the Director for US Partnerships Generation USA, they referred me to ADA Compliance Pros, who provided me with customized and hands-on service right down to the last detail! ADA Compliance Pros provided me with an instant website 508 compliance test for my website, sent directly to my inbox!


You don't want to be trapped between social insensitivity and the law, do you? I believe you'll like help from ADA Compliance Pros the way I did, don’t you!

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