Stop! Where are you going? How do you know, that your living is not behind you, trying to catch up?

Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev

Геня Неменов

 Miss Nemenoff was born in Paris in 1905 and began her performing career accompanying singers. In 1931, she married Mr. Luboshutz, who had been her teacher, and the couple moved to New York. In 1937, they made their debut at Town Hall as a duo piano team. Howard Taubman, reviewing the concert in The New York Times, wrote that their playing had coordination, boyancy and grace, and on occasion it was searching in its grasp of feeling and flavor.

Mr. Luboshutz and Miss Nemenoff gave more than 800 performances in the United States before they returned to Europe to make their joint debut in 1952. They toured much of the world, and worked to expand the duet repertory by transcribing such works as Mozart's Magic Flute Overture, Bach concertos, and Fritz Kreisler miniatures. They also gave the premieres of concertos composed for them by Bohuslav Martinu and Vittorio Giannini.

The article is about these people:   Genia Nemenoff

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