That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation
Hillel the Elder
from the book "Men of Deeds: a gallery of portraits" by Joseph Ben-David, Tel Aviv 1969, page 86
The Detroit Jewish News
The Detroit Jewish News 1988
Resume about Yechiel Herb Hordes
Article about Herb going to Israel
Forest in honor of William Hordes
Two more articles on the forest
Detroit sons to help Israel
Continuation of Detroit sons A
Continuation of Detroit sons B
William Hordes 65th Birthday
Continuation of 65th Birthday article
SuperSol and JNF progress
1st Supermarket in Israel
1st Supermarket in Israel, cont.
Herald tribune
Herald tribune, cont. A
Herald tribune, cont. B
Herald tribune, cont. C
Herald tribune, cont. D
Bella Hordes 80th Birthday
Herald Tribune on 1st supermarket
Herald Tribune on 1st supermarket, cont.
Donation to Camp "Gan Israel"
William Hordes leaves for Europe
Appeal for Torah as a way of life
Preserving data on Bobruisk life
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