Moisei Savikovsky
Moisei Savikovsky
about 1918about 1918 Gregorian
about 1917 Julian
about 5678 Hebrew -
about 1924about 1924 Gregorian
about 1923 Julian
about 5684 Hebrew -
- Parents
Family tree
Moisei Savikovsky
(about 1918about 1918 Gregorian
about 1917 Julian
about 5678 Hebrew - about 1924about 1924 Gregorian
about 1923 Julian
about 5684 Hebrew)
(18871887 Gregorian
1886 Julian
5647 Hebrew - November, 1942November, 1942 Gregorian
October, 1942 Julian
Cheshvan, 5703 Hebrew, Minskoe Getto)
(18881888 Gregorian
1887 Julian
5648 Hebrew - April, 1943April, 1943 Gregorian
March, 1943 Julian
Adar_2, 5703 Hebrew, Minskoe Getto)
This information was published by the user Dmitry Savikovsky. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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