A man is always responsible, whether his act is intentional or inadvertent, whether he is awake or asleep.

Bava Qamma 2:6

Lilya Kurziner

Lilya Kurziner

Lilya Kurziner


Family tree

Lilya Kurziner

(19311931 Gregorian
1930 Julian
5691 Hebrew
, Leningrad - 19871987 Gregorian
1986 Julian
5747 Hebrew
, Leningrad)

(19051905 Gregorian
1904 Julian
5665 Hebrew
- July 21, 1984July 21, 1984 Gregorian
July 8, 1984 Julian
Tammuz 21, 5744 Hebrew
, Leningrad)

(19081908 Gregorian
1907 Julian
5668 Hebrew
- 19881988 Gregorian
1987 Julian
5748 Hebrew


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