Where there is no man, try to be a man

Hillel the Elder

Leib Hersh Korsunsky

Leib Hersh Korsunsky


Family tree

Leib Hersh Korsunsky

(17991799 Gregorian
1798 Julian
5559 Hebrew
- 18361836 Gregorian
1835 Julian
5596 Hebrew
, Cherkassy)

(about 1780about 1780 Gregorian
about 1779 Julian
about 5540 Hebrew
- )

(18191819 Gregorian
1818 Julian
5579 Hebrew
, Cherkassy - 18661866 Gregorian
1865 Julian
5626 Hebrew

(18051805 Gregorian
1804 Julian
5565 Hebrew
, Cherkassy - after 1856after 1856 Gregorian
after 1855 Julian
after 5616 Hebrew
, Cherkassy)

(after 1820after 1820 Gregorian
after 1819 Julian
after 5580 Hebrew
, Cherkassy - )

(18281828 Gregorian
1827 Julian
5588 Hebrew
, Cherkassy - 18501850 Gregorian
1849 Julian
5610 Hebrew


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