If someone comes to kill you,- kill him!

Talmud, Berakhot

Levij Akofman

Levij Akofman

Levij Akofman
  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Physical activity -
    activity related to active physical labor or interaction with nature.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • sportsman,
    • soldier,
    • hunter, etc.
  • Tags
  • Comments
    мщн. Новоградволынского уезда, м. Полонного. Рядовой 143-го пехотного Дорогобужского полка.


Family tree

Levij Akofman

(about 1856about 1856 Gregorian
about 1855 Julian
about 5616 Hebrew
- June 19, 1880June 19, 1880 Gregorian
June 7, 1880 Julian
Tammuz 10, 5640 Hebrew
, Житомир)

(about 1827about 1827 Gregorian
about 1826 Julian
about 5587 Hebrew
- January 30, 1901January 30, 1901 Gregorian
January 17, 1901 Julian
Shevat 10, 5661 Hebrew
, Житомир)

(about 1840about 1840 Gregorian
about 1839 Julian
about 5600 Hebrew
- 18811881 Gregorian
1880 Julian
5641 Hebrew
, Житомир)

(May 7, 1876May 7, 1876 Gregorian
April 25, 1876 Julian
Iyar 13, 5636 Hebrew
, Житомир - )


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