If I am I because I am I, and you are you because you are you, then I am I and you are you. But if I am I because you are you and you are you because I am I, then I am not I and you are not you!

Menachem Mendel of Kotzk

Itzhak haLevi Horowitz

Itzhak haLevi Horowitz

Itzhak haLevi Horowitz
  • Occupation types
    Social activity –
    activity connected with active work in society.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • politicians,
    • educators,
    • social activists,
    • rabbis, etc.
  • Comments
    Илуй, раввин в Горохове, Глогау, Бродах, Альтоне, Гамбурге и Вандсбеке . После смерти Йонатана Эйбеншюца стал раввином Гамбурга, известен, как "Рабби Ицхак из Гамбурга". У Ицхака было 15 детей от двух браков. Респонсы Ицхака приведены в "Noda bi-Jehudah" и "Or Israel" Лифшица и в "Piteche Teschubah" (Eben ha-Ezer, § 170).
  • Information source
    Тиферет авот, Еврейская энциклопедия Брокгауза и Эфрона, http://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%99%D7%A6%D7%97%D7%A7_%D7%94%D7%9C%D7%95%D7%99_%D7%94%D7%95%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%91%D7%99%D7%A5


Family tree

Itzhak haLevi Horowitz

(17151715 Gregorian
1714 Julian
5475 Hebrew
, Bolehov - 17671767 Gregorian
1766 Julian
5527 Hebrew
, Altona, Hamburg)

(16781678 Gregorian
1677 Julian
5438 Hebrew
- 17551755 Gregorian
1754 Julian
5515 Hebrew
, Glogau)


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