Getzel Georgiy Berkengejm
Getzel Georgiy Berkengejm
18511851 Gregorian
1850 Julian
5611 Hebrew Dvinsk (Dinaburg, Daugavpils, Borisoglebsk), Latvia - Parents
- Partners
- Children

Occupation types
EnterpriseEnterprise -
activity related to business and commercial work.This type of activity includes following professions:
- manager,
- businessman,
- director,
- high-level bureaucrat, etc.
1st/2nd guild merchants,
Купец 2 гильдии. В купечестве состоит съ 1888 г. Брак заключен в Тракае в 1887 г В 1897 г. живет в Срег. ч , 2 у ч „ Луковъ пер„ пт. домѣ Титовыхъ. Торгует под фирмою „Беркенгеймъ и К» мануфактурн. товаром Город. у ч „ Черкасскій пер„ въ д. Кознова. Въ семействе его значатся Брат Абрамь 43 л. н сынъ Александръ 7 л.
Information source
Справочная книга о лицах получивших купеческие свидетельства в г. Москве; Переписи по Польше
Family tree
This information was published by the user Vladimir Feldov. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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