Don't run too far; you will have to return the same distance.

Midrash Ecclesiastes R. 11:9





Family tree


(18921892 Gregorian
1891 Julian
5652 Hebrew
, Mogilev - 19611961 Gregorian
1960 Julian
5721 Hebrew
, Leningrad)

(about 1864about 1864 Gregorian
about 1863 Julian
about 5624 Hebrew
, Bobr - before June 22, 1941before June 22, 1941 Gregorian
before June 9, 1941 Julian
before Sivan 27, 5701 Hebrew

(about 1869about 1869 Gregorian
about 1868 Julian
about 5629 Hebrew
- about 1941about 1941 Gregorian
about 1940 Julian
about 5701 Hebrew

(18931893 Gregorian
1892 Julian
5653 Hebrew
, Mogilev - March 14, 1960March 14, 1960 Gregorian
March 1, 1960 Julian
Adar 15, 5720 Hebrew

(19211921 Gregorian
1920 Julian
5681 Hebrew
, Mogilev - 19411941 Gregorian
1940 Julian
5701 Hebrew
, Mogilev)

(19201920 Gregorian
1919 Julian
5680 Hebrew
- 19411941 Gregorian
1940 Julian
5701 Hebrew


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