So long a man imagines that he cannot do this or that, so long it is impossible to him.

Baruch Spinoza

Liliana Rambach

Liliana Rambach

Liliana Rambach
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Family tree

Liliana Rambach

(October 30, 1918October 30, 1918 Gregorian
October 17, 1918 Julian
Cheshvan 24, 5679 Hebrew
, Harbin - 19991999 Gregorian
1998 Julian
5759 Hebrew
, Moskva)

(18871887 Gregorian
1886 Julian
5647 Hebrew
, Kaunas - September, 1931September, 1931 Gregorian
August, 1931 Julian
Elul, 5691 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(19001900 Gregorian
1899 Julian
5660 Hebrew
- September 25, 1991September 25, 1991 Gregorian
September 12, 1991 Julian
Tishrei 17, 5752 Hebrew
, Moskva)

(19151915 Gregorian
1914 Julian
5675 Hebrew
, Vladikavkaz - 19801980 Gregorian
1979 Julian
5740 Hebrew
, Moskva)

(January 18, 1949January 18, 1949 Gregorian
January 5, 1949 Julian
Teveth 17, 5709 Hebrew
, Moscow - November 27, 2007November 27, 2007 Gregorian
November 14, 2007 Julian
Kislev 17, 5768 Hebrew
, Chernovcy)


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