The decisive moment in human evolution is perpetual.

Franz Kafka

Julie Heller

Julie Heller

Julie Heller


Family tree

Julie Heller

(18271827 Gregorian
1826 Julian
5587 Hebrew
- 19101910 Gregorian
1909 Julian
5670 Hebrew

(14401440 Gregorian
1440 Julian
5200 Hebrew
- 15151515 Gregorian
1515 Julian
5275 Hebrew

(18241824 Gregorian
1823 Julian
5584 Hebrew
, Humpolec - 19101910 Gregorian
1909 Julian
5670 Hebrew
, Podebradi)

(18611861 Gregorian
1860 Julian
5621 Hebrew
- 19211921 Gregorian
1920 Julian
5681 Hebrew

(18671867 Gregorian
1866 Julian
5627 Hebrew
, Podebradi - 19421942 Gregorian
1941 Julian
5702 Hebrew


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