You can be a Jew for God, or a Jew against God, but you cannot be a Jew without God.

Elie Wiesel

Philipp Schey von Koromla

Philipp Schey von Koromla

Philipp Schey von Koromla


Family tree

Philipp Schey von Koromla

(18811881 Gregorian
1880 Julian
5641 Hebrew
- 19571957 Gregorian
1956 Julian
5717 Hebrew

(18541854 Gregorian
1853 Julian
5614 Hebrew
- 19221922 Gregorian
1921 Julian
5682 Hebrew

(18591859 Gregorian
1858 Julian
5619 Hebrew
- 19301930 Gregorian
1929 Julian
5690 Hebrew

(18831883 Gregorian
1882 Julian
5643 Hebrew
- 19251925 Gregorian
1924 Julian
5685 Hebrew

(19091909 Gregorian
1908 Julian
5669 Hebrew
- )

(19111911 Gregorian
1910 Julian
5671 Hebrew
- 19821982 Gregorian
1981 Julian
5742 Hebrew

(19271927 Gregorian
1926 Julian
5687 Hebrew
- )

(18951895 Gregorian
1894 Julian
5655 Hebrew
- )


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