Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.

Sigmund Freud

Bronislaw Behrson

Bronislaw Behrson

Bronislaw Behrson
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    польская википедия Ян Берсон


Family tree

Bronislaw Behrson

(18661866 Gregorian
1865 Julian
5626 Hebrew
- 18671867 Gregorian
1866 Julian
5627 Hebrew

(September 3, 1829September 3, 1829 Gregorian
August 22, 1829 Julian
Elul 5, 5589 Hebrew
, Warsaw - September 24, 1913September 24, 1913 Gregorian
September 11, 1913 Julian
Elul 22, 5673 Hebrew
, Warsaw)

(18401840 Gregorian
1839 Julian
5600 Hebrew
- 19051905 Gregorian
1904 Julian
5665 Hebrew

(about 2180 Hebrewabout 1581 BC Gregorian
about 1581 BC Julian
about 2180 Hebrew
, Canaan - )


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