What is lofty can be said in any language, and what is mean should be said in none.


Elieser Lipa Sukenik

Elieser Lipa Sukenik

  • Occupation types
    Scholarly activity -
    activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.

    This type of activity includes following areas:

    • science,
    • philosophy,
    • theology, etc.
  • Tags
    Famous jews,
  • Comments
    известный археолог, глава департамента археологии Еврейского университета. Первым настаивал на важности исследования свитков гнизот. Сохранил от потери семь свитков книги Ишаяу вместе со своим сыном Игаэлем. Основатель (совместно с Моше Давидом Касуто) библейской энциклопедии.

Family tree

Elieser Lipa Sukenik

(August 12, 1889August 12, 1889 Gregorian
July 31, 1889 Julian
Av 15, 5649 Hebrew
, Bialystok - February 28, 1953February 28, 1953 Gregorian
February 15, 1953 Julian
Adar 13, 5713 Hebrew
, Jerusalem)

(December 7, 1889December 7, 1889 Gregorian
November 25, 1889 Julian
Kislev 14, 5650 Hebrew
, Bialystok - January 5, 1968January 5, 1968 Gregorian
December 23, 1967 Julian
Teveth 4, 5728 Hebrew
, Jerusalem)

(March 20, 1917March 20, 1917 Gregorian
March 7, 1917 Julian
Adar 26, 5677 Hebrew
, Jerusalem - June 28, 1984June 28, 1984 Gregorian
June 15, 1984 Julian
Sivan 28, 5744 Hebrew
, Jerusalem)

(June 7, 1920June 7, 1920 Gregorian
May 25, 1920 Julian
Sivan 21, 5680 Hebrew
, Kharkov - May 17, 2001May 17, 2001 Gregorian
May 4, 2001 Julian
Iyar 24, 5761 Hebrew
, Mihmoret)

(February 1, 1929February 1, 1929 Gregorian
January 19, 1929 Julian
Shevat 21, 5689 Hebrew
, Jerusalem - June 4, 1948June 4, 1948 Gregorian
May 22, 1948 Julian
Iyar 26, 5708 Hebrew
, Israel)


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