If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And when I am for myself, what am 'I'? And if not now, when?

Pirkey Avot 1:13

Alfred Yosef Wertheimer von Wertheimstein

Alfred Yosef Wertheimer von Wertheimstein

Alfred Yosef Wertheimer von Wertheimstein


Family tree

Alfred Yosef Wertheimer von Wertheimstein

(March 24, 1843March 24, 1843 Gregorian
March 12, 1843 Julian
Adar_2 22, 5603 Hebrew
- September 6, 1918September 6, 1918 Gregorian
August 24, 1918 Julian
Elul 29, 5678 Hebrew
, Oradea)

(January 4, 1799January 4, 1799 Gregorian
December 24, 1798 Julian
Teveth 27, 5559 Hebrew
- March 12, 1859March 12, 1859 Gregorian
February 28, 1859 Julian
Adar_2 6, 5619 Hebrew

( - October 31, 1890October 31, 1890 Gregorian
October 19, 1890 Julian
Cheshvan 17, 5651 Hebrew

(about 1745about 1745 Gregorian
about 1744 Julian
about 5505 Hebrew
- 18171817 Gregorian
1816 Julian
5577 Hebrew

(18701870 Gregorian
1869 Julian
5630 Hebrew
, Oradea - June 30, 1940June 30, 1940 Gregorian
June 17, 1940 Julian
Sivan 24, 5700 Hebrew
, London)


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