God is only where you let Him in.

Menachem Mendel of Kotzk

Arieh Zvi HirschLeib Frumkin

Arieh Zvi HirschLeib Frumkin

Arieh Zvi HirschLeib Frumkin
  • Occupation types
    Social activity –
    activity connected with active work in society.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • politicians,
    • educators,
    • social activists,
    • rabbis, etc.
  • Tags
  • Comments
    Раввин, участвовал в деятельности иерусалимской Хавацелет.


Family tree

Arieh Zvi HirschLeib Frumkin

(18241824 Gregorian
1823 Julian
5584 Hebrew
- 19061906 Gregorian
1905 Julian
5666 Hebrew

(17991799 Gregorian
1798 Julian
5559 Hebrew
, Shklov - 18761876 Gregorian
1875 Julian
5636 Hebrew
, Dubrovnо)

(18021802 Gregorian
1801 Julian
5562 Hebrew
- 18471847 Gregorian
1846 Julian
5607 Hebrew


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