You are the task. No pupil far and wide.

Franz Kafka

Efim Eppel

Efim Eppel

  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Production activity –
    product-oriented activity.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • craftsman,
    • skilled worker,
    • farmer, etc.
    Physical activity -
    activity related to active physical labor or interaction with nature.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • sportsman,
    • soldier,
    • hunter, etc.
    Socio-intellectual activity –

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • teacher,
    • lawyer,
    • doctor,
    • journalist, etc.
  • Tags
  • Comments
    Командир роты в 44 горно-стрелковой дивизии Командир снайперской роты в 25й гвардейской краснознаменной дивизии имени Чапаева Начальник военотдела Пензенского областного управления трудовых резервов

Family tree

Efim Eppel

(June 24, 1915June 24, 1915 Gregorian
June 11, 1915 Julian
Tammuz 12, 5675 Hebrew
, Olevsk - January 27, 2011January 27, 2011 Gregorian
January 14, 2011 Julian
Shevat 22, 5771 Hebrew

( - Olevsk)

(April 30, 1919April 30, 1919 Gregorian
April 17, 1919 Julian
Nisan 30, 5679 Hebrew
, Житомир - March 17, 2007March 17, 2007 Gregorian
March 4, 2007 Julian
Adar 27, 5767 Hebrew
, Penza)

(May, 1941May, 1941 Gregorian
April, 1941 Julian
Iyar, 5701 Hebrew
, Olevsk - June 24, 1956June 24, 1956 Gregorian
June 11, 1956 Julian
Tammuz 15, 5716 Hebrew
, Penza)

(August 21, 1953August 21, 1953 Gregorian
August 8, 1953 Julian
Elul 10, 5713 Hebrew
, Moscow - )


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