In theory there is a possibility of perfect happiness: To believe in the indestructible element within one, and not to strive towards it.

Franz Kafka

Yuda Liob Wertheimer

Yuda Liob Wertheimer

Yuda Liob Wertheimer


Family tree

Yuda Liob Wertheimer

(16981698 Gregorian
1697 Julian
5458 Hebrew
- 17491749 Gregorian
1748 Julian
5509 Hebrew

(February 17, 1658February 17, 1658 Gregorian
February 7, 1658 Julian
Adar 14, 5418 Hebrew
, Worms - August 6, 1724August 6, 1724 Gregorian
July 26, 1724 Julian
Av 17, 5484 Hebrew
, Vienna)

(17001700 Gregorian
1699 Julian
5460 Hebrew
- December 10, 1763December 10, 1763 Gregorian
November 29, 1763 Julian
Teveth 4, 5524 Hebrew

(17241724 Gregorian
1723 Julian
5484 Hebrew
- May 7, 1776May 7, 1776 Gregorian
April 26, 1776 Julian
Iyar 18, 5536 Hebrew
, Vienna)

( - 17901790 Gregorian
1789 Julian
5550 Hebrew
, Frankfurt Am Main)

( - 17371737 Gregorian
1736 Julian
5497 Hebrew
, Vienna)

( - 17871787 Gregorian
1786 Julian
5547 Hebrew


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