Every assembly that is for the sake of Heaven will survive; but if it is not for the sake of Heaven, it will not survive

Yochanan Hasandlar

Israel Izraylev

Israel Izraylev

Israel Izraylev


Family tree

Israel Izraylev

(about 1910about 1910 Gregorian
about 1909 Julian
about 5670 Hebrew
- 19431943 Gregorian
1942 Julian
5703 Hebrew

(18791879 Gregorian
1878 Julian
5639 Hebrew
- 19211921 Gregorian
1920 Julian
5681 Hebrew

(18791879 Gregorian
1878 Julian
5639 Hebrew
- 19571957 Gregorian
1956 Julian
5717 Hebrew

(19051905 Gregorian
1904 Julian
5665 Hebrew
- 19651965 Gregorian
1964 Julian
5725 Hebrew

(May 5, 1926May 5, 1926 Gregorian
April 22, 1926 Julian
Iyar 21, 5686 Hebrew
- October 7, 2005October 7, 2005 Gregorian
September 24, 2005 Julian
Tishrei 4, 5766 Hebrew
, Ashdod)

(May 25, 1928May 25, 1928 Gregorian
May 12, 1928 Julian
Sivan 6, 5688 Hebrew
- )

(19361936 Gregorian
1935 Julian
5696 Hebrew
- )

(February 6, 1939February 6, 1939 Gregorian
January 24, 1939 Julian
Shevat 17, 5699 Hebrew
- December 20, 1993December 20, 1993 Gregorian
December 7, 1993 Julian
Teveth 6, 5754 Hebrew


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