In the nineteenth century the problem was that God is dead; in the twentieth century the problem is that man is dead.

Erich Fromm

Raya (Rokhlya Shmuylovna) Lаbkov (Tilevich)

Raya (Rokhlya Shmuylovna) Lаbkov (Tilevich)

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    . жениху 23 г., невесте 24 г. 3, 14 февр. 1908 г. Холост Казимирово-Слободский мещ. Могилёвской губернии Зелик Іосель Шевелев Тилевич и девица Сурожская мещанка Рохля Шмуйлова Лабкова


Family tree

Raya (Rokhlya Shmuylovna) Lаbkov (Tilevich)

(January 1, 1885January 1, 1885 Gregorian
December 20, 1884 Julian
Teveth 14, 5645 Hebrew
, Ekaterinoslav - )

(about 1850about 1850 Gregorian
about 1849 Julian
about 5610 Hebrew
, Surazh, Vitebsk Province - 19261926 Gregorian
1925 Julian
5686 Hebrew
, Tel Aviv)

(18851885 Gregorian
1884 Julian
5645 Hebrew
, Gorki - )

(about 1910about 1910 Gregorian
about 1909 Julian
about 5670 Hebrew
, Yekaterinoslav - 20062006 Gregorian
2005 Julian
5766 Hebrew
, США)

(about 1920about 1920 Gregorian
about 1919 Julian
about 5680 Hebrew
- June 27, 2014June 27, 2014 Gregorian
June 14, 2014 Julian
Sivan 29, 5774 Hebrew


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