Michail Slutskin
Michail Slutskin
- Birth
about 2008about 2008 Gregorian
about 2007 Julian
about 5768 Hebrew Harkov, Ukraine - Parents
- Children
- Living places
Occupation types
TechnicalTechnical activity –Socio-intellectual
activity directed to the resolution of technological problems, in the broad sense.This type of activity includes following professions:
- engineer,
- technical designer,
- technologist,
- agriculturalist, etc.
Socio-intellectual activity –Scholarly
This type of activity includes following professions:
- teacher,
- lawyer,
- doctor,
- journalist, etc.
Scholarly activity -
activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.This type of activity includes following areas:
- science,
- philosophy,
- theology, etc.
На фото 1996год. Слуцкин Александр Абрамович, Локшина Вера и ее сын Даня.
Family tree
(Harkov - about 2008about 2008 Gregorian
about 2007 Julian
about 5768 Hebrew, Harkov)
(July 17, 1891July 17, 1891 Gregorian
July 5, 1891 Julian
Tammuz 11, 5651 Hebrew, Borisoglebsk - July 13, 1950July 13, 1950 Gregorian
June 30, 1950 Julian
Tammuz 28, 5710 Hebrew, Harkov)
( - about 1974about 1974 Gregorian
about 1973 Julian
about 5734 Hebrew, Harkov)
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