Peisach Vydrin
Peisach Vydrin
18251825 Gregorian
1824 Julian
5585 Hebrew -
18841884 Gregorian
1883 Julian
5644 Hebrew -
- Parents
- Children

Occupation types
EnterpriseEnterprise -
activity related to business and commercial work.This type of activity includes following professions:
- manager,
- businessman,
- director,
- high-level bureaucrat, etc.
Купец 1 гильдии. Живет в Москве. въ куп. со с т . съ 1 8 7 7 г . Занимается покупкою и продажею процентн. бумагъ подъ фирмою «ІІавелъ Видринъ и сынъ". фирмою «Павелъ Видринъ и сынъ". Состоялъ присяжн. попечителем Москов. Коммерч. Суда съ 3 0 апрѣля съ 1879 г . по 19 анрѣля 1882 г . , и вновь съ 1892 г . но 1895 г. В 1877 жил въ д. Полякова
Information source
Купцы Москвы, 1899
Family tree
Peisach Vydrin
(18251825 Gregorian
1824 Julian
5585 Hebrew - 18841884 Gregorian
1883 Julian
5644 Hebrew)
(18421842 Gregorian
1841 Julian
5602 Hebrew - about 1915about 1915 Gregorian
about 1914 Julian
about 5675 Hebrew)
This information was published by the user Benjamen Kretz. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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