All Jews are responsible each for the other.

Talmud, Shavuot

Joseph Dombrowsky

Joseph Dombrowsky

Joseph Dombrowsky
  • Comments
    "Присяжный поверенный, иудейского исповедания." адвокат, играл видную роль в работе Чрезвычайной следственной комиссии Временного правительства (вместе с Александром Блоком), публиковавшей сведения о тайных агентах охранки.


Family tree

Joseph Dombrowsky

(18791879 Gregorian
1878 Julian
5639 Hebrew
, Irkutsk - 19231923 Gregorian
1922 Julian
5683 Hebrew

(about 1847about 1847 Gregorian
about 1846 Julian
about 5607 Hebrew
, Irkutsk - 19231923 Gregorian
1922 Julian
5683 Hebrew

(18831883 Gregorian
1882 Julian
5643 Hebrew
- 19571957 Gregorian
1956 Julian
5717 Hebrew

(May 12, 1909May 12, 1909 Gregorian
April 29, 1909 Julian
Iyar 21, 5669 Hebrew
, Moscow - May 29, 1978May 29, 1978 Gregorian
May 16, 1978 Julian
Iyar 22, 5738 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(July 24, 1918July 24, 1918 Gregorian
July 11, 1918 Julian
Av 15, 5678 Hebrew
- 19411941 Gregorian
1940 Julian
5701 Hebrew


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