The wise are pleased when they discover truths; fools are pleased when they discover falsehoods.

Ibn Gabirol

Arij Pigur

Arij Pigur

Arij Pigur


Family tree

Arij Pigur

(19261926 Gregorian
1925 Julian
5686 Hebrew
- 19881988 Gregorian
1987 Julian
5748 Hebrew

(January 10, 1928January 10, 1928 Gregorian
December 28, 1927 Julian
Teveth 17, 5688 Hebrew
, Zhitomir - February 13, 2020February 13, 2020 Gregorian
January 31, 2020 Julian
Shevat 18, 5780 Hebrew

(about 1950about 1950 Gregorian
about 1949 Julian
about 5710 Hebrew
- )

(December 9, 1950December 9, 1950 Gregorian
November 26, 1950 Julian
Kislev 30, 5711 Hebrew
- )


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