Since the Exodus, freedom has always spoken with a Hebrew accent.

Heinrich Heine





Family tree


(18501850 Gregorian
1849 Julian
5610 Hebrew
- )

(18381838 Gregorian
1837 Julian
5598 Hebrew
- 19251925 Gregorian
1924 Julian
5685 Hebrew
, Frankfurt Am Main)

(18661866 Gregorian
1865 Julian
5626 Hebrew
, Dolginovo - 19421942 Gregorian
1941 Julian
5702 Hebrew
, Kinel-Cherkassy)

(April 11, 1872April 11, 1872 Gregorian
March 30, 1872 Julian
Nisan 3, 5632 Hebrew
, Vilno - 19441944 Gregorian
1943 Julian
5704 Hebrew
, Terezienshtadt)

(July 17, 1879July 17, 1879 Gregorian
July 5, 1879 Julian
Tammuz 26, 5639 Hebrew
, Vilno - 19441944 Gregorian
1943 Julian
5704 Hebrew
, Osvencim)

(18801880 Gregorian
1879 Julian
5640 Hebrew
, Vilno - 19441944 Gregorian
1943 Julian
5704 Hebrew
, Germany)


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