It is no challenge to die like a Jew; the true challenge is to live like a Jew.

The Chofetz Chaim

James Henri Rothschild

James Henri Rothschild

James Henri  Rothschild


Family tree

James Henri Rothschild

(March 19, 1896March 19, 1896 Gregorian
March 7, 1896 Julian
Nisan 5, 5656 Hebrew
, Paris - 19841984 Gregorian
1983 Julian
5744 Hebrew

(July 26, 1872July 26, 1872 Gregorian
July 14, 1872 Julian
Tammuz 20, 5632 Hebrew
, Paris - 19461946 Gregorian
1945 Julian
5706 Hebrew

(18721872 Gregorian
1871 Julian
5632 Hebrew
- 19261926 Gregorian
1925 Julian
5686 Hebrew

(19041904 Gregorian
1903 Julian
5664 Hebrew
- 19641964 Gregorian
1963 Julian
5724 Hebrew

(May 27, 1923May 27, 1923 Gregorian
May 14, 1923 Julian
Sivan 12, 5683 Hebrew
- March 13, 2007March 13, 2007 Gregorian
February 28, 2007 Julian
Adar 23, 5767 Hebrew
, Paris)

(19251925 Gregorian
1924 Julian
5685 Hebrew
- )

(19391939 Gregorian
1938 Julian
5699 Hebrew
- )


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