Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.

Sigmund Freud

Moisei Levin

Moisei Levin

Moisei Levin
  • Comments
    возможный родственник Левины Анны Евсеевны. Похоронена на Востряковском кладбище в Москве (Квадрат 43-1, ряд 18, ограда/участок 3435)


Family tree

Moisei Levin

(18721872 Gregorian
1871 Julian
5632 Hebrew
- 19481948 Gregorian
1947 Julian
5708 Hebrew

(before 1857before 1857 Gregorian
before 1856 Julian
before 5617 Hebrew
- )

(17211721 Gregorian
1720 Julian
5481 Hebrew
- 18001800 Gregorian
1799 Julian
5560 Hebrew

(19161916 Gregorian
1915 Julian
5676 Hebrew
- 19941994 Gregorian
1993 Julian
5754 Hebrew

(19181918 Gregorian
1917 Julian
5678 Hebrew
- 19991999 Gregorian
1998 Julian
5759 Hebrew

(19241924 Gregorian
1923 Julian
5684 Hebrew
- 19431943 Gregorian
1942 Julian
5703 Hebrew

(18881888 Gregorian
1887 Julian
5648 Hebrew
- 19511951 Gregorian
1950 Julian
5711 Hebrew


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