As you do not know what is the way of the wind, just as things enclosed in the full womb; so will you not know God's work...

Kohelet 11:5

Mark Meir Men

Mark Meir Men

  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Social activity –
    activity connected with active work in society.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • politicians,
    • educators,
    • social activists,
    • rabbis, etc.
    Physical activity -
    activity related to active physical labor or interaction with nature.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • sportsman,
    • soldier,
    • hunter, etc.
    Socio-intellectual activity –

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • teacher,
    • lawyer,
    • doctor,
    • journalist, etc.
  • Tags
    Holocaust Survivors, Jewish,
  • Comments
    Почетный врач и донор Украины, самый первый директор первого протезного завода в Украине, капитан медицинской службы в составах Ленинградского, Прибалтийского и Волховского фронтов (перенес ранение и контузию в 1944г). Награжден орденами Отечественной войны второй степени, Красной звезды и медалью За победу над Германией. Социальное положение его семьи до 1917г. - из рабочих. Врач-ортопед-протезист. Член КПСС.

Photo albums

Мень М.Л.

Family tree

Mark Meir Men

(June 7, 1919June 7, 1919 Gregorian
May 25, 1919 Julian
Sivan 9, 5679 Hebrew
, Krivoj Rog, Ukraina - December 5, 1997December 5, 1997 Gregorian
November 22, 1997 Julian
Kislev 6, 5758 Hebrew
, Днепр)

(May 20, 1883May 20, 1883 Gregorian
May 8, 1883 Julian
Iyar 13, 5643 Hebrew
, Днепр - August 19, 1938August 19, 1938 Gregorian
August 6, 1938 Julian
Av 22, 5698 Hebrew
, Днепр)

(February 23, 1884February 23, 1884 Gregorian
February 11, 1884 Julian
Shevat 27, 5644 Hebrew
, Krivoj Rog, Ukraina - January 13, 1966January 13, 1966 Gregorian
December 31, 1965 Julian
Teveth 21, 5726 Hebrew
, Днепр)

(June 14, 1917June 14, 1917 Gregorian
June 1, 1917 Julian
Sivan 24, 5677 Hebrew
, Tomsk - December 30, 1995December 30, 1995 Gregorian
December 17, 1995 Julian
Teveth 7, 5756 Hebrew
, Днепр)

(19431943 Gregorian
1942 Julian
5703 Hebrew
- )

(November 11, 1948November 11, 1948 Gregorian
October 29, 1948 Julian
Cheshvan 9, 5709 Hebrew
, Днепр - )


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