Jaffe Sir Otto Moses
Jaffe Sir Otto Moses
18461846 Gregorian
1845 Julian
5606 Hebrew -
April 26, 1929April 26, 1929 Gregorian
April 13, 1929 Julian
Nisan 16, 5689 Hebrew -
- Parents
Occupation types
EnterpriseEnterprise -Social
activity related to business and commercial work.This type of activity includes following professions:
- manager,
- businessman,
- director,
- high-level bureaucrat, etc.
Social activity –
activity connected with active work in society.This type of activity includes following professions:
- politicians,
- educators,
- social activists,
- rabbis, etc.
Family tree
(18461846 Gregorian
1845 Julian
5606 Hebrew - April 26, 1929April 26, 1929 Gregorian
April 13, 1929 Julian
Nisan 16, 5689 Hebrew)
(August 10, 1809August 10, 1809 Gregorian
July 29, 1809 Julian
Av 28, 5569 Hebrew, Schwerin - January 21, 1874January 21, 1874 Gregorian
January 9, 1874 Julian
Shevat 3, 5634 Hebrew)
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