The meaning of life is that it stops.

Franz Kafka

Itzhak Jacob Aberlis

Itzhak Jacob Aberlis

Itzhak Jacob Aberlis
  • Information source


Family tree

Itzhak Jacob Aberlis

(15381538 Gregorian
1538 Julian
5298 Hebrew
, Krakow - 15961596 Gregorian
1595 Julian
5356 Hebrew

(14901490 Gregorian
1490 Julian
5250 Hebrew
, Prague - 15571557 Gregorian
1557 Julian
5317 Hebrew
, Krakow)

(about 1550about 1550 Gregorian
about 1550 Julian
about 5310 Hebrew
- 15951595 Gregorian
1594 Julian
5355 Hebrew
, Krakow)

(15701570 Gregorian
1570 Julian
5330 Hebrew
- 16341634 Gregorian
1633 Julian
5394 Hebrew


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