The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.

Elie Wiesel

Giovanna Modigliani

Giovanna Modigliani

  • Comments
    Брак (первый) с Марио Леви в 1939 году, была участником француского сопротивления во время войны, когда познакомилась с Вальдемаром, который тоже был женат. После рождения Анны, они оба развелись со своими бывшими супругами и поженились. Джованна и Вальдемар развелись в 1980 году.


Family tree

Giovanna Modigliani

(November 29, 1918November 29, 1918 Gregorian
November 16, 1918 Julian
Kislev 25, 5679 Hebrew
, Nice - July 27, 1984July 27, 1984 Gregorian
July 14, 1984 Julian
Tammuz 27, 5744 Hebrew
, Paris)

(July 12, 1884July 12, 1884 Gregorian
June 30, 1884 Julian
Tammuz 19, 5644 Hebrew
, Livorno - January 24, 1920January 24, 1920 Gregorian
January 11, 1920 Julian
Shevat 4, 5680 Hebrew
, Paris)

(April 6, 1898April 6, 1898 Gregorian
March 25, 1898 Julian
Nisan 14, 5658 Hebrew
, Paris - January 25, 1920January 25, 1920 Gregorian
January 12, 1920 Julian
Shevat 5, 5680 Hebrew

(19111911 Gregorian
1910 Julian
5671 Hebrew
, Берлин - 19931993 Gregorian
1992 Julian
5753 Hebrew
, Paris)

(May, 1946May, 1946 Gregorian
April, 1946 Julian
Nisan, 5706 Hebrew
- )

(19511951 Gregorian
1950 Julian
5711 Hebrew
- )


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