Margarita Kovalev
Margarita Kovalev
19331933 Gregorian
1932 Julian
5693 Hebrew -
- Parents
Occupation types
Socio-intellectualSocio-intellectual activity –Scholarly
This type of activity includes following professions:
- teacher,
- lawyer,
- doctor,
- journalist, etc.
Scholarly activity -
activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.This type of activity includes following areas:
- science,
- philosophy,
- theology, etc.
"Биолог, а кроме того – киносценарист и режиссер, окончила ВГИК, уже после биофака. Много работала в экспедиции по энтомологии, а потом занялась научными и учебными фильмами." изписьма Р.Райт-Ковалевой
Information source
Family tree
(April 19, 1898April 19, 1898 Gregorian
April 7, 1898 Julian
Nisan 27, 5658 Hebrew, Petrushevo Yelisavetgradskogo Uyezda Khersonskoy Gubernii - December 29, 1989December 29, 1989 Gregorian
December 16, 1989 Julian
Teveth 1, 5750 Hebrew, Moscow)
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