Man is only great when he acts from passion.

Benjamin Disraeli



Family tree


(18331833 Gregorian
1832 Julian
5593 Hebrew
, Poltava - 19231923 Gregorian
1922 Julian
5683 Hebrew
, Tel Aviv)

(August 28, 1864August 28, 1864 Gregorian
August 16, 1864 Julian
Av 26, 5624 Hebrew
, Vyatka - )

(about 1868about 1868 Gregorian
about 1867 Julian
about 5628 Hebrew
, Vyatka - )

(Vyatka - )

(18801880 Gregorian
1879 Julian
5640 Hebrew
, Vyatka - 19351935 Gregorian
1934 Julian
5695 Hebrew
, Tel Aviv)

(April 25, 1887April 25, 1887 Gregorian
April 13, 1887 Julian
Iyar 1, 5647 Hebrew
, Vyatka - )


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