Rakhmil Novomeysky
Rakhmil Novomeysky
September 10, 1920September 10, 1920 Gregorian
August 28, 1920 Julian
Elul 27, 5680 Hebrew Barguzin, Russia -
about 1942about 1942 Gregorian
about 1941 Julian
about 5702 Hebrew -
- Parents
- Living places
Призван в 1940 г. Г. Улан-Удэ. Окончил Сретенское пехотное училище. Командир миномётного взвода, лейтенант. Точная дата и место гибели неизвестны. /СЕИВВ/
Family tree
Rakhmil Novomeysky
(September 10, 1920September 10, 1920 Gregorian
August 28, 1920 Julian
Elul 27, 5680 Hebrew, Barguzin - about 1942about 1942 Gregorian
about 1941 Julian
about 5702 Hebrew)
(March 5, 1893March 5, 1893 Gregorian
February 21, 1893 Julian
Adar 17, 5653 Hebrew - 19521952 Gregorian
1951 Julian
5712 Hebrew)
This information was published by the user Aleksandr Zaslavskij. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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