Max Neumann
Max Neumann
18701870 Gregorian
1869 Julian
5630 Hebrew -
19291929 Gregorian
1928 Julian
5689 Hebrew -
- Partners
- Children
![Max Neumann](/w/images/thumb/d/d3/I0808062758.png/200px-I0808062758.png?20140721135806)
- Living places
Occupation types
Socio-intellectualSocio-intellectual activity –Scholarly
This type of activity includes following professions:
- teacher,
- lawyer,
- doctor,
- journalist, etc.
Scholarly activity -
activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.This type of activity includes following areas:
- science,
- philosophy,
- theology, etc.
Макс Нейман (венг. Neumann Miksa, 1870—1929), переселился в Будапешт из провинциального городка Печ в конце 1880-х годов, получил степень доктора от юриспруденции и работал адвокатом в банке; вся его семья происходила из Серенча.
Information source
русская википедия Джон фон Нейман
Family tree
(18801880 Gregorian
1879 Julian
5640 Hebrew - 19561956 Gregorian
1955 Julian
5716 Hebrew)
(December 28, 1903December 28, 1903 Gregorian
December 15, 1903 Julian
Teveth 9, 5664 Hebrew, Budapest - February 8, 1957February 8, 1957 Gregorian
January 26, 1957 Julian
Adar 7, 5717 Hebrew, Washington, D.c.)
This information was published by the user
Marina Milevskaya. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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