Vladimer Izrailevich (Levitch)
Vladimer Izrailevich (Levitch)
January 12, 1939January 12, 1939 Gregorian
December 30, 1938 Julian
Teveth 21, 5699 Hebrew Kharkov (kHarkiv), Ukraine -
January 22, 2013January 22, 2013 Gregorian
January 9, 2013 Julian
Shevat 11, 5773 Hebrew Chikago, Usa -
- Parents
![Vladimer Izrailevich (Levitch)](/w/images/b/b6/I2092711340.png?20130403181053)
Family tree
Vladimer Izrailevich (Levitch)
(January 12, 1939January 12, 1939 Gregorian
December 30, 1938 Julian
Teveth 21, 5699 Hebrew, Kharkov - January 22, 2013January 22, 2013 Gregorian
January 9, 2013 Julian
Shevat 11, 5773 Hebrew, Chikago)
(May 9, 1912May 9, 1912 Gregorian
April 26, 1912 Julian
Iyar 22, 5672 Hebrew - November, 1975November, 1975 Gregorian
October, 1975 Julian
Cheshvan, 5736 Hebrew)
(June 1, 1914June 1, 1914 Gregorian
May 19, 1914 Julian
Sivan 7, 5674 Hebrew - February 8, 1992February 8, 1992 Gregorian
January 26, 1992 Julian
Adar 4, 5752 Hebrew)
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Dmitrij Bruk. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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