Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one's own way.

Viktor Frankl

Adam Frederick Falk

Adam Frederick Falk

  • Occupation types
    Scholarly activity -
    activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.

    This type of activity includes following areas:

    • science,
    • philosophy,
    • theology, etc.
    Enterprise -
    activity related to business and commercial work.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • manager,
    • businessman,
    • director,
    • high-level bureaucrat, etc.
  • Tags
  • Comments
    Физик, специализируется в области высоких энергий и квантовой хромодинамике (сильное взаимодействие). Закончил университет Северной Каролины в Чапел-Хилле, докторат получил в Гарварде, аспирантура в Стенфорде. С 1994 - профессор университета Джона Хопкинса. Ныне - 17 президент колледжа Уильямс в Уильямстауне в Массачусетсе. Развод с Карен Самс в 1998.
  • Information source
    Cassirer and Cohen - draft family genealogy - Person Sheet


Family tree

Adam Frederick Falk

(April 19, 1965April 19, 1965 Gregorian
April 6, 1965 Julian
Nisan 17, 5725 Hebrew
, Chapel-Hill - )

(April 25, 1906April 25, 1906 Gregorian
April 12, 1906 Julian
Nisan 30, 5666 Hebrew
, Берлин - October 11, 1991October 11, 1991 Gregorian
September 28, 1991 Julian
Cheshvan 3, 5752 Hebrew
, Chapel-Hill)

(January 18, 1933January 18, 1933 Gregorian
January 5, 1933 Julian
Teveth 20, 5693 Hebrew
- July 12, 2002July 12, 2002 Gregorian
June 29, 2002 Julian
Av 3, 5762 Hebrew

(May 8, 2002May 8, 2002 Gregorian
April 25, 2002 Julian
Iyar 26, 5762 Hebrew
, Baltimore, Maryland - )

(September 4, 1968September 4, 1968 Gregorian
August 22, 1968 Julian
Elul 11, 5728 Hebrew
- )

(November 8, 2000November 8, 2000 Gregorian
October 26, 2000 Julian
Cheshvan 10, 5761 Hebrew
, Baltimore, Maryland - )


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