Whatever it is you're seeking won't come in the form you're expecting.

Franz Kafka

Hariton (Chaim Hirsch) Kachurin

Hariton (Chaim Hirsch) Kachurin

Hariton (Chaim Hirsch) Kachurin
  • Occupation types
    Enterprise -
    activity related to business and commercial work.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • manager,
    • businessman,
    • director,
    • high-level bureaucrat, etc.
  • Comments
    Могилевский мещанин. В Петербурге с 1898 г. (не позже). Свидетельство выдано в 1894г. Торговля часами и ювелирными изделиями. С 1898 г. проживал на Васильевском острове. В 1917 г. - купец.
  • Information source
    "Весь Петербург" за 1898 год; Преображенское кладбище


Family tree

Hariton (Chaim Hirsch) Kachurin

(18631863 Gregorian
1862 Julian
5623 Hebrew
, Mogilev - 19221922 Gregorian
1921 Julian
5682 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg)

(about 1840about 1840 Gregorian
about 1839 Julian
about 5600 Hebrew
- )

(18681868 Gregorian
1867 Julian
5628 Hebrew
- 19241924 Gregorian
1923 Julian
5684 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg)

(18911891 Gregorian
1890 Julian
5651 Hebrew
- 19611961 Gregorian
1960 Julian
5721 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg)

(18931893 Gregorian
1892 Julian
5653 Hebrew
- 19681968 Gregorian
1967 Julian
5728 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg)

(19001900 Gregorian
1899 Julian
5660 Hebrew
- March, 1907March, 1907 Gregorian
February, 1907 Julian
Adar, 5667 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg)

(December 24, 1905December 24, 1905 Gregorian
December 11, 1905 Julian
Kislev 26, 5666 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg - August 13, 1986August 13, 1986 Gregorian
July 31, 1986 Julian
Av 8, 5746 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg)


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