Whatever your hand attains to do, - do.

Kohelet 9:10

Svetlana Shabalina(Opryshko)

Svetlana Shabalina(Opryshko)

  • Tags
  • Comments
    Работает в Кемеровский филиал ОАО "Сибирьтелеком" с 2006 года Учеба Окончила вуз Юридический факультет с 2009 по 2013 Окончила вуз Экономический факультет с 2003 по 2008 Окончила школу 41 школа с 1992 по 2003
  • Information source
    https://www.instagram.com/svetlanaopryshko/ https://vk.com/id6492438


Family tree

Svetlana Shabalina(Opryshko)

(March 15, 1986March 15, 1986 Gregorian
March 2, 1986 Julian
Adar_2 4, 5746 Hebrew
, Kemerovo - )

(September 23, 1950September 23, 1950 Gregorian
September 10, 1950 Julian
Tishrei 12, 5711 Hebrew
, Sharʹya Kostromskaya Obl. - )

(February 11, 1985February 11, 1985 Gregorian
January 29, 1985 Julian
Shevat 20, 5745 Hebrew
, Kemerovo - )

(about 2010about 2010 Gregorian
about 2009 Julian
about 5770 Hebrew
, Kemerovo - )

(Kemerovo - )


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